Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's official! To Three and Beyond is published and ready to order!

It's been a long haul—almost 10 years since the inception of my idea of writing a book about breastfeeding beyond the third birthday and about a year since I signed my contract with Praeclarus Press, but the day has finally come. The book is published.

"It's published!" selfie!
Here, I am, proud author and editor. I could not have done it without all of my wonderful contributors, the women who were generous enough to share their stories with me and with the world.

The book has made its debut here in Phoenix, where I am writing from, at the 2014 conference of the International Lactation Consultant Association (#ILCA2014). I was blessed enough to share a book signing last night with other Praeclarus Press authors Helen Ball, Nancy Mohrbacher, and Alyssa Schnell. I  had a lovely chat with Alyssa and was excited to see her book, Breastfeeding Without Birthing, which covers another much-needed topic in the area of breastfeeding support.

Helen Ball, Nancy Mohrbacher, myself, and Alyssa Schnell. Photo courtesy of Kathleen Kendall-Tackett.

Although IBCLCs are generally focused on the early period in the breastfeeding relationship, I hope that many of them here can personally relate to the topics in this book or understand that the journey that their clients are beginning may last for years, not months, to come.

In the meantime, for the rest of you, my book is now available through Praeclarus Press and The digital version of the book will be available through Amazon in about a month.

I hope you enjoy seeing the topic covered in a real-world way, through personal experiences. We have had enough sensationalism on this topic. It doesn't deserve to be treated as an aberration. It is a valid, real-world choice for mothers and children throughout the world and is just an extension of real-life parenting.

If you are a blogger yourself and would like to review the book, please contact me via the contact box on this page. Please include the name of and a link to your blog and your contact information.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Book Release Date!

Hi, everyone! Praeclarus Press has set a release date for the book of July 22!!! It's almost here! Finally!

The book is set to launch at the annual meeting of the International Lactation Consultant Association in Phoenix, July 23–26.

The most exciting part is that I will be there and will be signing books the evening of July 23! I will post more details as I receive them. I hope to see some of you there.

I am superexcited about the release of this book and am grateful that I will be at the launch. I hope that that the book will serve its intended purpose: to help and give real-life guidance to breastfeeding mothers by giving them the insight of other mothers who have ventured into the territory of natural-/long-/full-term breastfeeding.

On a side note, also being released on July 22 and at the conference from Praeclarus Press are
Finding Sufficiency: Breastfeeding with Insufficient Glandular Tissue by Diana Cassar-Uhl (a contributor to my book) and
Working and Breastfeeding Made Simple by Nancy Mohrbacher. Congratulations to you both!