Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beta Time!

As of yesterday, the full manuscript is out with beta readers. These include my husband, who is a full-time copyeditor (like myself), and some friends who have all breastfed their children and/or have editing and writing experience. I am hoping they will be able to give it a critical eye and give me important feedback to make the book as good as it can be.

It's a weird feeling to have this project out of my hands, if only for a little while. I've been working on it in most of my spare time for months now and more intensely since the stories were due in October, so I automatically seem to have that "twiddling my thumbs" feeling. It's good that my kids and my normal work-at-home job keeps that feeling from lasting long.

I expect the beta readers to be done within a week or two, and then I will be able to incorporate any changes that I need to. After that, it will be time to get all of the necessary files together and send it to the publisher.

I will write another update when that happens.

Thanks for sticking with me through this! I can't wait to see this thing in print (and in an e-book!).


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